To achieve its very ambitious goals and to systematically implement the dual model, GSaME has set up specific structures, boards and processes geared to its corporate organization. Its autonomous status can be compared to a faculty with management structures of its own.
GSaME is a central scientific institution of the University of Stuttgart with its own administrative, admission, study, and examination regulations including the right to award doctoral degrees in the field of advanced Manufacturing Engineering.
The Graduate School is headed by the . This board is especially concerned with the development of the doctoral program, the profile of GSaME, the ongoing development of the curriculum and also decides on research topics, the appointment of Thesis Committees and the admission of doctoral researchers.
Executive Board of Directors. This board is especially concerned with the development of the doctoral program, the profile of GSaME, the ongoing development of the curriculum and also decides on research topics, the appointment of Thesis Committees and the admission of doctoral researchers.
To implement the goals of GSaME, six strategic interdisciplinary clusters were established that carry out research activities and research training covering various faculties. Each cluster is headed by a Cluster Director, who is the organizational manager and responsible for the development of the cluster as far as content and strategy are concerned.
Professors from 20 institutes and 5 faculties of the University of Stuttgart contribute to high-quality expert meetings, seminars and national as well as international colloquia and ensure that the knowledge transfer is kept up-to-date with the latest developments in research. They impart their knowledge in specifically developed training programs that are explicitly offered to the doctoral researchers and tailored to their individual qualification and research profiles and also supervise the doctoral researchers individually in interdisciplinary Thesis Committees. In addition, the professors, along with the cooperation partners of GSaME, participate in the development and alignment of GSaME, for instance in the General and Plenary Assemblies.
The two boards responsible for the development of the Graduate School, for establishing its profile and increasing the performance and competitiveness of the Graduate School are the Supervisory Board, which functions as supervisory and decision-making body, and the Scientific Advisory Board, which supports and advises. Both bodies bring together representatives from academia and industry.
The doctoral researchers are represented in the Scientific Advisory Board and in the General Assembly of GSaME.